Saturday, November 12, 2011

Welcome All!!

Hi!  My name is Val and I created this blog as a way for me to voice my opinion and share ideas with the world.  Why?  Well because I've experienced some ups and downs and I think others can learn from my experiences. 

I'm not here to bash anyone, however I am here to discuss what I call the "injustices" of our time.  This includes, but is not limited to the financial crisis we've experienced as of late as well as the Wall Street protestors just to give a couple examples.  I am a fair person therefore any and every topic is up for discussion and if done honestly and in good taste, I believe it can be a learning experience for us all.

Please feel free to post to my blog your thoughts and ideas about anything that may be on your mind. 


  1. What I'd like to do is to have discussions based on topics that you (or myself) bring up. These topics can range from sex and relationships to child upbringing to our crazy bosses. There's no limit since life is full of interesting people and places. Of course, real names can be left out to protect the "innocent". I will post a topic tomorrow morning. Feel free to add your "two cents". Until then... Be Blessed!

  2. I'm interested in reading your blogs, welcome to the blogging world sis.

  3. Well, the plan is for it to be interesting and fun and also a place for us to share and learn from each other. We all have ideas and expertise that can be useful to someone else. I plan to set it up the blogs in a more organized format so that we can check back to find a topic and the information contained within it. Think of it as a store house for information. I may take it a step forward and create a website to store the info. I'll keep you posted on that.

    I promised to have a topic this morning, but as we all know, life has a way of changing our plans. I will think long and hard tonight and will post a topic tomorrow. Plz check back. Let us share our experiences with each other!
